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As Leo and I were praying, I saw a picture. It was an aerial view of a courtyard with the King's Guards (redcoats with bearskin hats) standing in formation, like at a ceremony. Then, there was a sense of a strong whirlwind that came against them.

I understand this to mean, that like the King's Guards, we (the Church, God's army) need to be well trained so that when the winds come (trials and tribulations), we are ready and able to stand united.

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This is the scripture that came to Leo as he was praying - Genesis 28:10-22. He believes God is saying, that even as we are sleeping the angels are going up and down where we are living. The army of God are with us; we are not devoid of his protection. Our calling is to worship and pray, and when we do, the fire of God comes (v18 - the pouring of oil on the altar/stone, is our worship to God).

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As we were praying, these words came to us:

Isaiah 61:7 "Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours".

In Israel the double portion was inherited by the first-born. We are given a double portion so that we might give more away. In this case a double portion of the Holy Spirit; what we give away would include displaying the fruit and gifts of the Spirit.

Joes 2:28-29 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."

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As I was praying this morning I had the following picture-

I had a picture of a deep bath, with the plug pulled out and the water drained away. Then the plug is put back in and the taps turned on ,full power. The water gushes out and the bath fills to overflowing, pouring in streams over the sides of the bath and onto the floor. It keeps on coming. I felt that the bath represents our church. God's Spirit filling it afresh with cleansing,flowing, powerful water.

I sensed God was saying- At times the church feels that the plug has been pulled on it. Difficulties, sadness and discouragement make it feel run dry. Are we ready to put the plug back in and for the Father to fill St Alk's afresh with His living water? Not just filling it but for it to overflow into the world. Fast flowin…

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As I was praying Psalm 31 came to mind.

The psalm is a prayer by David who cries out to God in his suffering, asking for protection, deliverance from his enemies and guidance. Despite his circumstances, he praises God, puts his trust in him and encourages the reader (us) to do the same: Love the Lord, all his faithful people! The Lord preserves those who are true to him ... Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord (v23-24). And like David, as a foreshadow of Christ on the cross, to commit our spirits to God (v5).

Instrumental worship used:

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I was reminded of the blessing song (created during covid lockdown)… used it as a prayer this morning that Jesus would bless friends, our community, city, nation and world.

May 19, 2023

Thank you for the reminder , Jon

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Matthew 10:29-31, John 6:35-40, Acts 1:8, Philippians 4:13

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Looking forward to seeing you at the prayer room!

May 17, 2023

Thursday evening starts at 7pm with an Ascension celebration before the full 24/7 prayer begins, is right Mina?

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May 16, 2023

Who's signed up for praying at church in the daytime slots? And's going to be up in the night, praying from home?🙃

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